This is how they do it part 2!

I’m grateful that someone has finally responded to my initial post on this subject. For an insightful read, check out: Hacking My Air Purifier. It’s exciting to see that the website even includes an embedded UUID password generator! Firstly, I want to express my appreciation for the comprehensive and informative write-up. Understanding how the password… Continue reading This is how they do it part 2!

Xiaomi 001 PPM FIX, Update!

I was planning to release this way earlier than October, but work and private life got in the way 🙁 Small introduction into the problem: Two distinct signs: Slow to respond to particle changes. Display only shows 001 Cause: The sensor used in the Xiaomi Air Purifiers is the: PMS9003M by Plantpower Datasheet:PMS9003M This sensor… Continue reading Xiaomi 001 PPM FIX, Update!

Xiaomi Air purifier 3H/C/PRO NFC MOD, How does it work?

After opensourcing the mod chip I wanted to give some insights on how the mod-chip itself works. open source info: click As can be seen in the image above, the system consist out of several sub systems.The two most important sub-systems are: NFC Filter Stm32F412RET6 There are two ways to bypass the NFC filters, Make… Continue reading Xiaomi Air purifier 3H/C/PRO NFC MOD, How does it work?

Xiaomi Air Purifier 3H Reverse Engineering Part 3: ESP32 DUMP

Yesterday, I received a mail! By a user named : tuxuser. I thought I was alone in the world of Xiaomi Air purifier poking… Since more people are getting involved I decided to update some more information on the web! I dumped the ESP Flash contents using : Link (look closely and you will see… Continue reading Xiaomi Air Purifier 3H Reverse Engineering Part 3: ESP32 DUMP

Installing and using ESPtools

Step 1.Install Python (On Windows 10) Option 1: On Windows 10, you may type “python” in the Windows search box beside the Windows Start button and download Python from the Windows App Store. Option 2: Download the latest version of python from their website: click Don’t forget to check the “Add Python X to PATH”… Continue reading Installing and using ESPtools

Xiaomi Air Purifier 3H Reverse Engineering Part 1: Probing Around

Welcome to the family Xiaomi Air Purifier H3! If something enters my house I open it as quickly as possible and start probing around. The following information is for educational Purposes only! Note, I absolutely love Xiaomi stuff since it is cheap, of decent build quality, and it’s fun to probe around in! How to… Continue reading Xiaomi Air Purifier 3H Reverse Engineering Part 1: Probing Around

Xiaomi Xiaofang S1 RTSP hack


how to flash custom firmware: download: 1:Format your microSD to FAT32 (use a micro SD card smaller than 4GB) my 16GB kingston  cards where giving me trouble. 2:put the CFW-1.0.bin file on the MicroSD and rename CFW-1.0.bin to demo.bin 3: insert micro SD card into camera 4:hold reset buton & power on, keep pushing the… Continue reading Xiaomi Xiaofang S1 RTSP hack