I’m grateful that someone has finally responded to my initial post on this subject. For an insightful read, check out: Hacking My Air Purifier. It’s exciting to see that the website even includes an embedded UUID password generator! Firstly, I want to express my appreciation for the comprehensive and informative write-up. Understanding how the password… Continue reading This is how they do it part 2!
Tag: hacking
Xiaomi 001 PPM FIX, Update!
I was planning to release this way earlier than October, but work and private life got in the way 🙁 Small introduction into the problem: Two distinct signs: Slow to respond to particle changes. Display only shows 001 Cause: The sensor used in the Xiaomi Air Purifiers is the: PMS9003M by Plantpower Datasheet:PMS9003M This sensor… Continue reading Xiaomi 001 PPM FIX, Update!
Xiaomi Air purifier 3H/C/PRO NFC MOD, How does it work?
After opensourcing the mod chip I wanted to give some insights on how the mod-chip itself works. open source info: click As can be seen in the image above, the system consist out of several sub systems.The two most important sub-systems are: NFC Filter Stm32F412RET6 There are two ways to bypass the NFC filters, Make… Continue reading Xiaomi Air purifier 3H/C/PRO NFC MOD, How does it work?
(Hardware) Hacking tools
I often get the question what tools do you use for Hacking Hardware/ Software.While making this list I realize the fortune of equipment that I’ve gathered over time.. (sorry for not including cheaper stuff… I’ve replaced allot over time) Non of the links are affiliate links. I’m not getting paid to list any of these… Continue reading (Hardware) Hacking tools
Xiaomi Air Purifier 3H Reverse Engineering Part 3: ESP32 DUMP
Yesterday, I received a mail! By a user named : tuxuser. I thought I was alone in the world of Xiaomi Air purifier poking… Since more people are getting involved I decided to update some more information on the web! I dumped the ESP Flash contents using : Link (look closely and you will see… Continue reading Xiaomi Air Purifier 3H Reverse Engineering Part 3: ESP32 DUMP
Installing and using ESPtools
Step 1.Install Python (On Windows 10) Option 1: On Windows 10, you may type “python” in the Windows search box beside the Windows Start button and download Python from the Windows App Store. Option 2: Download the latest version of python from their website: click Don’t forget to check the “Add Python X to PATH”… Continue reading Installing and using ESPtools
Xiaomi Air Purifier 3H Reverse Engineering Part 1: Probing Around
Welcome to the family Xiaomi Air Purifier H3! If something enters my house I open it as quickly as possible and start probing around. The following information is for educational Purposes only! Note, I absolutely love Xiaomi stuff since it is cheap, of decent build quality, and it’s fun to probe around in! How to… Continue reading Xiaomi Air Purifier 3H Reverse Engineering Part 1: Probing Around
Xiaomi Xiaofang S1 RTSP hack
how to flash custom firmware: download: https://github.com/EliasKotlyar/Xiaomi-Dafang-Hacks/raw/master/hacks/cfw/xiaofang/cfw-1.0.bin 1:Format your microSD to FAT32 (use a micro SD card smaller than 4GB) my 16GB kingston cards where giving me trouble. 2:put the CFW-1.0.bin file on the MicroSD and rename CFW-1.0.bin to demo.bin 3: insert micro SD card into camera 4:hold reset buton & power on, keep pushing the… Continue reading Xiaomi Xiaofang S1 RTSP hack